Headstone Photos

Headstones and Memorials is proud to offer high quality porcelain enameled steel cameo pictures.

Ceramic photos are permanent kiln fired digital images. Any original photo or scanned image can be reproduced and permanently fired into a variety of oval, square and rectangular size ceramic tiles that will withstand the test of time. When we place your ceramic on your headstone we sandcarve the granite to the shape and depth of the ceramic so it is inlayed flush with the surface. This processes further protects your ceramic from the elements and a prevention against vandalism.

Our selection of Oval, Rectangle and Square Photos are a perfect complement to any Headstone, adding to the lasting memory of your loved one.

All sizes of Ceramic Headstone Pictures are available in either Color or Black and White.

NOTE: Ceramic orders can take up to 8 weeks for production.


Oval Porcelain Photo Pricing
5" x 7"
4 ¼" x 6"
3 ¾" x 5"
3 ¼" x 4 ¼"
2 ⅝" x 3 ⅜"
2 ¼" x 2 ¾"


Rectangle and Square Porcelain Photo Pricing
8" x 10"
5" x 7"
4" x 6"
4" x 5"
4" x 4"


Etched photos are also available on Imperial Black Headstones.

In order to sandblast (etch) a photo consisting of many different tones, shades and colors we must convert it into a halftone image. Halftone artwork is used to reproduce grayscale images by breaking the image into small dots (like photos in the newspaper). These dots will vary in size to represent the tonal areas of the artwork, giving the illusion of a grayscale image.

All photo etchings are FREE on Imperial Black markers - regardless of size or shape.

Picture Ordering Process

Place your order today: E-Mail: - Tel: (800)849-2873


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